Kim de Vries

Kim de Vries is editor of the recently launched online publication platform Bridging Humanities. The publication encourages researchers to experiment with digital sources, and to promote an interactive use of research output. Bridging Humanities’ projects are realised following academic guidelines and are published online and in open access.  Bridging Humanities is a publication from Brill, in partnership with LeidenASA and the Voice4Thought Foundation.

Kim holds Master’s Degrees in Human Geography from the University of Amsterdam and International Development from the Radboud University Nijmegen. She worked for NWO-WOTRO and the Development Policy Review Network (DPRN). She also worked as a graphic and web designer. She is interested in processes of co-creation, knowledge management, visual design, and information management. Research for her Master’s in Geography focussed on identity formation and ethnicity in West-Pokot, Kenya.


Video output of Urbanising Deltas of the World - Research uptake Conference January 2016

Identity strategies of the Western Pokot; exploring the meaning of livestock raiding In: Witsenburg, K. & Zaal, F. (2011) (eds.), Spaces of insecurity. Human agency in violent conflicts in Kenya. Leiden: ASC

Bridging Knowledge Divides: The Role of DPRN in Strengthening Research-Policy Linkages (with M.A.F. Ros-Tonen) In: Hoebink, P. (ed.), The Netherlands Yearbook on international Cooperation 2009. Assen: Royal Van Gorcum

Identity strategies of the agro-pastoral Pokot : analysing ethnicity and clanship within a spatial framework. [Master thesis] 

K. (Kim) de Vries
Former support staff