Cornelia Smith Fick

Cornelia Smith Fick was longlisted for the Sol Plaatje EU Poetry Award (2016), the erbacce award (2021) and highly commended in The Sentinel Literary Quarterly Poetry Competition.  Her poems and stories are in local and international magazines and anthologies such as Experimental Writing: Volume 1, Africa VS Latin America; Soho Square V, Bloomsbury, Spelk and Atlanta Review. She completed the MA in Creative Writing at Rhodes University and is currently a PhD candidate at University of the Western Cape.

Recent publications:

Eye of a needle: and other stories (2017) Poems (3): Atlanta Review Vol XXIV No 2 Poems (3): To breathe into another voice, a poetry/jazz anthology (2017) Poem (1): Fractured poetics: a poetry anthology (2018).

University of the Western Cape