Occam, Francis Bacon, and the transformation of Zambian society

TitleOccam, Francis Bacon, and the transformation of Zambian society
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication1977
AuthorsW.M.J. van Binsbergen
Pagination1 - 41
Date Published1977///
Place PublishedLeiden
Publication Languageeng
KeywordsRural, social change, Zambia

Reacts upon Robert H. Bates' Rural responses to industrialization : a study of village Zambia' (London, 1976), which is an attempt to account for the transformation of Zambian society. Argues that most of Bates' answers are wrong


Afrika-Studiecentrum, Leiden - Paper presented at the international seminar on "Migration and rural development in tropical Africa", org. by the Afrika-Studie centrum, Leiden, 21-25 November 1977 - Met lit. opg

Citation Key1424