Land, law and politics in Africa : mediating conflict and reshaping the state

TitleLand, law and politics in Africa : mediating conflict and reshaping the state
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication2011
Series EditorG.J. Abbink, and M.E. de Bruijn
Series titleAfrican dynamics
Pagination - IX, 386
Date Published2011///
Place PublishedLeiden [etc.]
Publication Languageeng
ISSN Number90-04-21738-X ; 1568-1777
KeywordsAfrica, author bibliographies (form), conflict resolution, constitutional law, customary law, festschrifts (form), land conflicts, land law

This volume, which is dedicated to the Dutch legal scholar Gerti Hesseling (1946-2009), examines issues of law, land dispute and conflict mediation in Africa. The focus is on how citizens, State institutions and concerned (inter)national actors attempt to find solutions to land disputes. The issues at stake include land access and land use, State politics and democratization efforts, the relationship between constitutional/State law and customary law, the challenges of urban and rural conflicts, border issues, and conceptions of (human) rights. The 15 chapters are grouped into four thematic parts: 1. Historical and cultural aspects (Walter van Beek, Wim M.J. van Binsbergen on Zambia, Peter Geschiere, Patrick Chabal); 2. Land issues and economics (Abdou Salam Fall, Mayke Kaag, Yaram Gaye and Marieke Kruis on Senegal, Romborah R. Simiyu and Dick Foeken on Kenya, Piet Konings on the Bakassi dispute beween Cameroon and Nigeria); 3. Politics and constitutional law (Jan Abbink on Ethiopia, Babacar Kanté, Fatima Diallo on Senegal, Moussa Djiré on Mali); 4. The challenges of law and conflict (Janine Ubink on Namibia, Han van Dijk on Chad, Mirjam de Bruijn and Egosha E. Osaghae). The book further includes a recollection of Gerti's commitment to the LASDEL Institute in Niger by Jean-Pierre Olivier de Sardan and Mahaman Tidjani Alou and a bibliography of her works. [ASC Leiden abstract]


A tribute to the work of Professor Gerti Hesseling (1946-2009)Contributions in English and French
Met bibliogr. Gerti Hesseling: p. [367]-380. - Met bibliogr

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Citation Key3714