Shiqi Liu

I am currently a PhD candidate of African Studies at the Institute of West-Asian and African Studies (IWAAS), Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), and specialize on Africa’s relations with China and humanitarian aid. I obtained my BA degree in politics from Capital Normal University and MA degree in International relations from New York University. My major fields of study include: modern relations between China and African countries; relations between African countries and major Western powers; comparative study of foreign aid in Africa. My major publications include: 1) China-Africa Cooperation After the Johannesburg Summit, International Understanding, No. 4 2016;
2) Only Shock Events Could Trigger Pakistan's Fourth Military Coup, The World Post, April 14th 2015;
3) “The Study of Security Issue for Chinese and Chinese Enterprises in Africa: the References of Risk Prevention Measures from the West”, Asia & Africa Review, No.4, 2012;
4) “Syria in Big-power Politics: Aleppo as a Key”, Bauhinia Magazine Online, Aug 15th 2012.

My current research focuses on the humanitarian aid policies in Africa with a comparison study of the China and the United States.The research question is: What are the resemblances and differences of the humanitarian aid policies towards Africa between the United States and China? The long-term goal of this research is to refine China’s humanitarian aid policy and system. Humanitarian aid herein is viewed as a breakthrough point to perceive foreign aid. The objective of the current study is to provide a comprehensive review of policies and practices in relation to humanitarian aid of China and the United States and to analyze resemblances and differences of their humanitarian aid policies towards Africa.