Morie Kaneko

Morie Kaneko has been conducting anthropological research on the cultural transmission of techniques of body and technological innovation among women potters in Ethiopia. She received her PhD at the Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies, Kyoto University. Her research interests are the formation of African local knowledge in a global context by focusing on the process of creating objects, such as producing craftworks, processing agricultural products, creating souvenirs, and even generating waste, as the outcome of person–environment transactions. She also engages with local people in ethnographic exhibitions, in a community museum, that are related to endogenous development in local communities. Her project at the ASCL is “Trash and value: the materiality of discarding and keeping objects in Africa.” She focuses on the circulation and valuation of crops, handicraft objects, and industrial products in Ethiopia.

Fellowship year: 
Dr. M. (Morie) Kaneko
Former visiting fellow
Room number: 3A20