New book out by Mayke Kaag: État, sociétés et Islam au Sénégal: un air de nouveau temps?

For French, see below. 

This book is for sale at the ASC and at Karthala for € 24,-.

The ASC and Karthala (Paris) have published a new book by Mayke Kaag a.o.: État, sociétés et Islam au Sénégal: un air de nouveau temps? (State, societies and Islam in Senegal: new times?). The book was born out of collaboration between diplomats and scholars. In the post-9/11 era, the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Dutch diplomats felt that, in order to do their work well, they needed more knowledge about Islam and Muslims in the countries with or in which they were working.This is why the Islam Research Programme (IRP) was established. ASC researcher Mayke Kaag coordinated the programme on Islam in Senegal, that was one of the first and larger sections within the IRP and ran from 2009 to 2012. A team of senior and junior Senegalese and Dutch researchers investigated questions of interest to the Royal Netherlands Embassy in Dakar. Policy briefs and reports were written, networking meetings were held, a database was set up and a publication for a wider audience was also prepared. This book is the academic output of the Islam Programme Dakar. It was co-edited by three Senegalese colleagues, Abdourahmane Seck, Cheikh Guèye and Abdou Salam Fall, who had taken part in the programme. Junior and senior Senegalese scholars contributed chapters on the research they had done in the context of the Islam Programme Dakar and other scholars were also invited to contribute chapters that fitted our approach.

The chapters are complemented by interviews with three important Senegalese public intellectuals who share their views on various themes emerging from the analyses.The volume shows that Islam remains an important area of research in Senegal and elsewhere in Africa, and that new approaches in this field of study are helping to generate knowledge that is relevant to current questions concerning Africa, including those concerning security, investment and global linkages. With the book being published by Karthala in Paris, we see a reemergence of the ASC-Karthala publications series in French.

Abstract (français)
Cet ouvrage est une contribution aux efforts récents de renouvellement des regards sur un thème déjà bien documenté : l'islam au Sénégal. Il est ainsi reconsidéré, ici, dans une démarche d'observations multi-sites allant de l'économie à la politique, de la culture populaire aux enjeux éducatifs, des conjonctures internationales aux divers engagements citoyens.Il a été privilégié une approche axée sur les acteurs et leurs usages de l'islam, ouvrant ainsi à des entrées inédites par la marge, l'individu, la fête, le genre, l'art, le voyage, l'économie, les faits de gouvernance et les médias, et permettant d'envisager les discours et demandes d'islam dans un contexte de constante recomposition de la société sénégalaise. Ce ne sont pas seulement les regards sur l'islam qui changent, mais tout un contexte sociétal - du point de vue local, national et mondial. Les contributions de ce livre éclairent les divers changements socioreligieux et glissements paradigmatiques qui autorisent à penser un air de nouveau temps dans les rapports État, sociétés et islam au Sénégal. Un autre apport de cet ouvrage réside dans les interludes entre les chapitres, sous forme d'entretien, véritables analyses des différents discours et imaginaires d'islam, par trois intellectuels sénégalais Abdoul Aziz Kébé, Penda M'Bow et Ibrahima Thioub. Chacun apporte une touche singulière et de pertinentes observations sur l'état de l'islam au Sénégal, les quêtes et requêtes des jeunes musulmans pour trouver une place émancipatrice dans la société ; l'influence des mass médias sur les formes, les contenus et les dynamiques des engagements d'Islam au Sénégal ainsi que les références idéologiques diverses qui cohabitent dans la société et, surtout comment tout cela influe sur la production de connaissances sur l'Islam.

Author(s) / editor(s)

Mayke Kaag, Abdourahmane Seck, Cheikh Guèye, Abdou Salam

About the author(s) / editor(s)

Mayke Kaag is a senior researcher at the African Studies Centre Leiden. As a social anthropologist she is interested in processes of change and continuity in West and West-Central Africa. From 2008-2010, she coordinated the Senegal project of the Islam Research Programme that was initiated by the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs and was executed in collaboration with Dutch embassies in selected countries. Her current research focuses primarily on African transnational relations, including land issues, transnational Islamic charities and engagements with the diaspora.

Abdourahmane Seck is a lecturer and researcher at the Université Gaston Berger and head of the Centre d'étude des religions (CER) of the Faculty of Civilisations, Religions, Arts and Communication.

Cheikh Guèye works for the Executive Secretariat of Enda Tiers Monde (Environment Development Action in the Third World). 

Abdou Salam Fall is research director, leading the research on economic and social transformations at IFAN (Institut fondamental d'Afrique noire).

Full text, catalogue, and publisher website