ASC Community News October 2015

ASC Community members Abamfo Ofori Atiemo and Alemayehu Gurmu are currently visiting the ASC.

Abamfo Ofori Atiemo is a Senior Lecturer and former Head of the Department for the Study of Religions, University of Ghana, Legon. He teaches Comparative/History of Religion and his current research interests include Religion and Human Rights; Hinduism in Ghana (with special interest in African Hindus); Evil and Popular Piety in Ghanaian Christianity and Islam. As a visiting fellow of the ASC, he is working on the topic ‘Myth and Nation Building: A religious History of Ghana’. He hopes to publish an article at the end of the fellowship.

Alemayehu Gurmu is a lecturer at Addis Ababa University and currently a PhD Candidate in Peace and Security Studies affiliated to the Institute for Peace and Security Studies of Addis Ababa University. Alemayehu Gurmu will spend three months at the African Studies Centre as a self-financed visiting PhD researcher. His PhD topic is 'The Social Stratification of Ethnicity: the Emergence of Local Group Relations & Conflict Mediation in the Gurage Zone, Ethiopia'.

Announcement PhD Defence

ASC Community member Katalin Buzási will defend her PhD thesis entitled 'The language situation in Sub-Saharan Africa: Historical roots, measurement, and development impacts' at Utrecht University on 19 November, 10.30. Venue: Academiegebouw, Senaatszaal (Domplein 29, 3512JE, Utrecht). Supervisors: Jan Luiten van Zanden (Utrecht University) and Maarten Mous (Leiden University).

New publications by ASC Community members

Sandfort, T., Simenel, F., Mwachiro, K., & Reddy, V. (2015) (Eds.). Boldly Queer: African Perspectives on Same-sex Sexuality and Gender Diversity. The Hague: Hivos.

Kristen Cheney, Blood binds: Confronting the moral and political economies of orphanhood and adoption in Uganda. Sage Journals. 

Francis Wepngong NDILimbum-English Dictionary & English-Limbum Index. Tervuren: KMMA.

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