Seasons and Nutrition at the Kenya Coast

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Number of pages: 
xii, 144

Author/ Editor: 
Hoorweg J., Foeken D. & Klaver W.

Year of publication: 

Print title: 
Hoorweg J., Foeken D. & Klaver W. (1995). Seasons and Nutrition at the Kenya Coast. (Research Series No.7). Leiden: African Studies Centre.

This monograph reports on the seasonal fluctuations in food and nutrition that occur in Coast Province, on the basis of data gathered during five consecutive survey rounds held in six locations in Kwale and Kilifi districts between mid-1985 and late-1986. The region has a largely unimodal climate and generally low household incomes. The study population seems to have developed fairly successful strategies to cope with diminishing food stocks at the end of the agricultural year, despite the fact that a large number of households fall below poverty levels, household energy intake is not more than that of peasant smallholders elsewhere in Kenya and the nutritional status of children is below that in other districts.
The implications of the findings are reviewed from several angles. Firstly, against the background of the changes in livelihood that have occurred in rural Africa. Secondly, in respect of resource management and diversification strategies. Thirdly, concerning existing theories of child growth, in particular as regards the interaction between height and weight growth. Finally, the respective contributions of climate, productive organization, household income and individual characteristics are reviewed.