Recently published journal articles - week 38 2021

Retrieved week 38 2021


AMBROSETTI, E., MICCOLI, S. & STRANGIO, D. 2021. Africa. Migrations between Perceptions and Data Production in the Long Run. Journal of European Economic History, 50 (1):207-234.
Keywords: Africa ; Urbanization and Migration;1.207&ev=1

BERNARD-MAUGIRON, N. 2021. Les femmes au cœur des processus de réformes juridiques dans les Afriques musulmanes. Cahiers d'études africaines, 242:265-285.
Keywords: Africa ; Law, Human Rights and Violence ; Women's Issues

DOYLE, S. 2021. Chronology and Causality in Africa's HIV Pandemic: The Production of History between the Laboratory and the Archive. Past and Present, 252 (1):249-290.
Keywords: Africa ; Health and Nutrition

PAGE, M. E. 2021. A 'New Lens' on African Military Tradition. Journal of African Military History, 5 (1):58-67.
Keywords: Africa ; Military, Defense and Arms

BELMESSOUS, S. 2021. Politics and Gender Bias in the Production of Historical Knowledge: Reassessing Muslim Loyalism during the Algerian War of Independence. Hesperis Tamuda, 56 (1):211-232.
Keywords: Algeria ; Politics and Government ; Military, Defense and Arms

BENZENINE, B. 2021. Réformer les droits des femmes en Algérie: Appropriations multiples et contraires de la norme islamique. Cahiers d'études africaines, 242:287-306.
Keywords: Algeria ; Law, Human Rights and Violence ; Religion and Witchcraft ; Women's Issues

OFRATH, A. 2021. 'We Shall Become French': Reconsidering Algerian Jews' Citizenship, c. 1860-1900. French History, 35 (2):243-265.
Keywords: Algeria ; Law, Human Rights and Violence ; Religion and Witchcraft

VIDAL MUÑOZ, M. 2021. El papel de España al inicio de la guerra de Argelia (1954-1956). Historia contemporánea, 66:523-556.
Keywords: Algeria ; Military, Defense and Arms

FERNANDES, G. 2021. A primeira gramática do (Kahenda-Mbaka) Kimbundu (Lisboa 1697) de Pedro Dias, S.J. (1621/1622-1700) e a ars minor (Lisboa 1573) de Manuel Álvares, S.J. (1526-1583). Confluência: Revista do Instituto de Língua Portuguesa, Especial:463-488.
Keywords: Angola ; Education and Oral Traditions

PRECIOSO, D. 2021. Catarina Juliana e sua sociedade de culto: rituais e práticas religiosas na Angola setecentista. Afro-Ásia, 63:68-127.
Keywords: Angola ; Religion and Witchcraft ; 1700-1799

ROCHA, J. M. 2021. ABC-Diário de Angola - um baluarte da oposição possível na imprensa colonial portuguesa dos anos 1960. Revista de História das Ideias, 39:301-324.
Keywords: Angola ; Literature, Mass Media and the Press ; colonialism

GONÇALVES, R. D. S. 2021. Embaixadas diplomáticas, embaixada apostólica: imbricações entre religião, comércio atlântico e poder político na diplomacia luso-daomeana (1795-1810). Temporalidades - Revista Discente do Programa de Pós-Graduação em História da UFMG, 13:336-365.
Keywords: Benin ; Politics and Government ; History and Exploration ; Religion and Witchcraft

Democratic Republic of Congo
CLAY, D. 2021. 'David vs Goliath': The Congo Free State Propaganda War, 1890-1909. The International History Review, 43 (3):457-474.
Keywords: Congo (Democratic Republic of) ; international relations ; colonialism

Democratic Republic of Congo
LANGHENDRIES, M. & WILS, K. 2021. When the Physician Becomes an Apostle. The Persona of the Catholic Colonial Doctor in Interwar Belgium and the Belgian Congo. Social Sciences and Missions = Sciences sociales et missions, 34 (1-2):179-207.
Keywords: Congo (Democratic Republic of) ; Religion and Witchcraft

East Africa
WALSH, M. 2021. From dugouts to double outriggers; Lexical insights into the development of Swahili nautical technology. Wacana, Journal of the Humanities of Indonesia, 22 (2):253-294.
Keywords: Kenya ; Tanzania ; History and Exploration

BERNARD-MAUGIRON, N. 2021. La loi sur le khul' en Égypte Contraintes argumentatives et réformes du droit de la famille. Cahiers d'études africaines, 242:395-416.
Keywords: Egypt ; Law, Human Rights and Violence ; family law

CHETA, O. Y. & SCHWARTZ, K. A. 2021. A Printer's Odd Plea to Reform Legal Pluralism in Khedival Egypt. Past and Present, 252 (1):179-211.
Keywords: Egypt ; Law, Human Rights and Violence

FARAG, S. 2021. Reconsidering rights, revisiting feminist critique: Women's Rights Discourses in Egypt. Hesperis Tamuda, 56 (1):133-151.
Keywords: Egypt ; Women's Issues

HILL, A. C. 2021. 'The Battle for Abu Simbel': Archaeology and Postcolonial Diplomacy in the UNESCO Campaign for Nubia. Journal of Contemporary History, 56 (3):502-521.
Keywords: Egypt ; Anthropology and Archaeology

MAKAR, F. & ABDOU, E. D. 2021. Egyptian Textbooks in Times of Change, 1952-1980. Arab Studies Journal, 29 (1):8-36.
Keywords: Egypt ; Education and Oral Traditions

MOTA, S. 2021. Julião Quintinha (1885-1968) e 'o deslumbramento do Egipto' em Terras do Sol e da Febre (1932). Crónicas de viagem com o Egito Antigo em fundo. Revista de História das Ideias, 39:275-299.
Keywords: Egypt ; Literature, Mass Media and the Press

QUINN, S. 2021. British Military Orientalism: Cross-cultural Contact with the Mamluks during the Egyptian Campaign, 1801. War in History, 28 (2):263-282.
Keywords: Egypt ; Military, Defense and Arms ; History and Exploration

SARNATARO, A. 2021. An Analysis of Urban Initiatives in Cairo: Locality, Everyday Politics and Relational Space in Cairo's Unplanned Neighbourhoods. Studi Magrebini, 19 (1):63-87.
Keywords: Egypt ; Urbanization and Migration

SHARKEY, H. J. 2021. American Missionaries in Egypt, Gender Relations, and the Professional and Social Formation of Women, 1854-1967. Social Sciences and Missions = Sciences sociales et missions, 34 (1-2):62-91.
Keywords: Egypt ; Religion and Witchcraft ; Women's Issues

TURIANO, A. 2021. Masculinity, Industrial Education and Fascism in Egypt. Gender Construction in the Salesian Missionary Schools (1900-1939). Social Sciences and Missions = Sciences sociales et missions, 34 (1-2):125-157.
Keywords: Egypt ; Religion and Witchcraft

Equatorial Guinea
CHAVIANO PÉREZ, L. J. 2021. Cuba, agent formel ou informel de l'impérialisme espagnol dans le Golfe de Guinée? Outre-mers: revue d'histoire, 410-411:169-183.
Keywords: Equatorial Guinea ; colonialism ; international relations

Equatorial Guinea
GARCÍA PÉREZ, C. 2021. Fernando Poo, el empeño español en lo inhóspito. Revista de historia naval, 39 (151):49-70.
Keywords: Equatorial Guinea ; History and Exploration

JERVEN, M., STRANGIO, D. & WEISDORF, J. 2021. A Case of Its Own? A Review of Italy's Colonisation of Eritrea, 1890-1941. Journal of European Economic History, 50 (1):82-115.
Keywords: Eritrea ; Italy ; colonialism;1.99&ev=1

NARDOZI, M. 2021. The Economic Policy of the Italian Administration in the Eritrean Colony in the Early 1920s: The Case of the Asmara Chamber of Commerce. Journal of European Economic History, 50 (1):116-139.
Keywords: Eritrea ; colonialism ; Economics and Trade;1.133&ev=1

PUDDU, L. 2021. Of Capital and Power Italian Late-Colonial Policies in Eritrea at the Onset of the Federation with Ethiopia. Journal of European Economic History, 50 (1):37-58.
Keywords: Eritrea ; Ethiopia ; colonialism;1.51&ev=1

BEYAN, T. T. 2020. Unemployment and Social Disorder during the British Colonial Period in Eritrea (1941-1951). Aethiopica: International Journal of Ethiopian and Eritrean Studies, 22:149-167.
Keywords: Eritrea ; colonialism ; Labor and Employment

BUCARELLI, M. 2021. Mediterranean Security Challenges, Terrorist Threats and Energy Issues Italy and the Libyan Crisis of the 1980s. Journal of European Economic History, 50 (1):140-164.
Keywords: Libya ; Law, Human Rights and Violence;1.157&ev=1

POWER, R. 2021. The African Dimension to the Anti-Federation Struggle, ca. 1950-53: 'It has united us far more closely than any other question would have accomplished'. Itinerario: Journal of Imperial and Global Interactions, 45 (2):304-324.
Keywords: Malawi ; Zimbabwe ; Zambia ; Politics and Government

GUIGNARD, L. 2021. Mobilisation du Protocole de Maputo. Le nouveau Code malien des personnes et de la famille en procès. Cahiers d'études africaines, 242:439-445.
Keywords: Mali ; Law, Human Rights and Violence

KONÉ, O. & CALVÈS, A.-E. 2021. La mobilisation des organisations féminines en faveur du Code de la famille au Mali: Autopsie d'une défaite. Cahiers d'études africaines, 242:321-354.
Keywords: Mali ; Women's Issues ; Law, Human Rights and Violence

BURRILL, E. 2021. Sorting and Seeing: Digitization and Ways of Reading the Archives of French West Africa. Journal of World History, 32 (2):199-217.
Keywords: Mauritania ; Senegal ; Guinea ; Mali ; Ivory Coast - Côte d'Ivoire ; Burkina Faso ; Benin ; Niger ; archives

DUPUIS, X. & KASDI, Z. 2021. Remarques sur quelques gouverneurs de Maurétanie césarienne de la période sévérienne. Mélanges de l'Ecole française de Rome. Antiquité, 133 (1):249-263.
Keywords: Mauritania ; History and Exploration

KIRBY, J. 2021. 'An ombudsman for Mauritius?' Decolonization and state human rights institutions in the 1960s. Journal of Global History, 16 (2):207-226.
Keywords: Mauritius ; colonialism ; Law, Human Rights and Violence

BOSWELL, R. 2020. Is COVID-19 Transforming Speech in Mauritius? Journal of African Diaspora Archaeology and Heritage, 9 (3):255-276.
Keywords: Mauritius ; Health and Nutrition

BEN-SRHIR, K. & AMMARI, L. 2021. James Richardson's 'Abolitionist and Civilizing' Tour in the Sharifian Empire. Hesperis Tamuda, 56 (1):327-349.
Keywords: Morocco ; international relations ; History and Exploration

BERRIANE, Y. 2021. 'La part des femmes'. La judiciarisation de l'accès des femmes aux terres collectives au Maroc. Cahiers d'études africaines, 242:417-438.
Keywords: Morocco ; Women's Issues ; Agriculture, Natural Resources and the Environment ; Law, Human Rights and Violence ; land rights

BERRIANE, Y. 2021. Archiver par les marges: récits de vie d'actrices associatives dans la banlieue populaire de Casablanca. Hesperis Tamuda, 56 (1):77-103.
Keywords: Morocco ; Women's Issues

BOUCHMAL, F. 2021. Dix ans après l'inscription de la Diète méditerranéenne de Chefchaouen au patrimoine culturel immatériel de l'UNESCO: Bilan, contraintes et perspectives. Hesperis Tamuda, 56 (1):351-369.
Keywords: Morocco ; Anthropology and Archaeology

BYCHOU, O. 2021. Irregular Moroccan Units in a Regular War: Second World War Franco-American Views of the Moroccan Goums Revisited. Journal of African Military History, 5 (1):31-57.
Keywords: Morocco ; Military, Defense and Arms

DENNERLEIN, B. 2021. The Gender of Sainthood: Moroccan Hagiography at the End of the XIXth Century. Hesperis Tamuda, 56 (1):153-170.
Keywords: Morocco ; Religion and Witchcraft

EL BOUHSINI, L. 2021. Les rescapées de l'oubli dans les écrits et dans l'historiographie du Maroc entre le XIème et le XIVème siècle. Hesperis Tamuda, 56 (1):17-33.
Keywords: Morocco ; historiography

FERRERO, F. & MORONE, A. M. 2021. Economic Policies in Spanish Morocco and the Case of the Electric Cooperative A Venture for a Nationalistic Strategy. Journal of European Economic History, 50 (1):165-187.
Keywords: Morocco ; Development and Technology;1.183&ev=1

GALIAZZO, F. 2021. I Call Center in Marocco: uno studio sulle condizioni di lavoro nel settore. Studi Magrebini, 19 (1):139-170.
Keywords: Morocco ; Economics and Trade

GUARINO, L. & PORTELLI, S. 2021. The Political Implications of Urban Displacement: Notes from Two Fieldwork Research Projects in Casablanca. Studi Magrebini, 19 (1):7-36.
Keywords: Morocco ; Urbanization and Migration

MOUS, F. A. 2021. La place des femmes dans des textes nationalistes de la période coloniale: une 'présence manquante'. Hesperis Tamuda, 56 (1):171-188.
Keywords: Morocco ; Women's Issues ; nationalism

PERALTA GARCÍA, L. 2021. Latent and manifest filmic narration: prison as a visual icon and the representation of political repression during the Years of Lead in Moroccan cinema (2000-2018). Rethinking History, 25 (2):166-185.
Keywords: Morocco ; Law, Human Rights and Violence ; cinema

RHANI, Z. 2021. L'inarchivable violence: témoignages des femmes victimes des 'Années de plomb'. Hesperis Tamuda, 56 (1):105-132.
Keywords: Morocco ; Law, Human Rights and Violence ; Women's Issues

SAILI, M. 2021. The Revolutionary and Scholarly Turns in the Marxist Criticism of the Moroccan Novel in Arabic. Hesperis Tamuda, 56 (1):371-378.
Keywords: Morocco ; Literature, Mass Media and the Press

TURCO, L. 2021. La casa nelle narrazioni in lotta: Il situarsi delle donne dei quartieri popolari di Tangeri. Studi Magrebini, 19 (1):110-137.
Keywords: Morocco ; Urbanization and Migration

ALBUQUERQUE, G. C. & PIMENTA, F. T. 2021. Um Madeirense ao Comando do Império. Aires de Ornelas e Vasconcelos e a Reorganização Administrativa de Moçambique (1907). Arquivo Histórico da Madeira, Nova Série, 3:349-381.
Keywords: Mozambique ; colonialism

ALPERS, E. A. 2021. Warfare in Northern Mozambique, Late Sixteenth to Late Nineteenth Centuries. Journal of African Military History, 5 (1):1-30.
Keywords: Mozambique ; Military, Defense and Arms

BOUDOUHOU, N. 2021. Le matériel de mouture du site d'El-Mekam (Maroc oriental) première approche. Hesperis Tamuda, 56 (1):273-285.
Keywords: Mozambique ; Anthropology and Archaeology

GONÇALVES, P. C. 2021. Operários chineses em Moçambique. O engajamento de trabalhadores sob contrato no Império português (1857-1859). Revista Brasileira de História, 41:305-329.
Keywords: Mozambique ; China ; Labor and Employment ; Chinese

PACHECO, M. 2021. Evocações camonianas: O IV Centenário da Estada de Luis Vaz de Camões na Ilha de Moçambique (1569-1969) - Parte I. Boletim do Arquivo da Universidade de Coimbra, 51:157-192.
Keywords: Mozambique ; Literature, Mass Media and the Press

SAÍDE, A. 2021. Repensando o papel do trabalho político clandestino na luta de libertação de Moçambique, anos 1950s-1970s. Locus: Revista de História, 27 (1):390-415.
Keywords: Mozambique ; Politics and Government ; colonialism ; national liberation struggles

SILVA, D. B. D. D., FIELDS, A., MACUÁCUA, E. R., MODI, A. R. & ZACARIAS, I. C. 2021. Between Oceans and Continents: Slavery in Portuguese Mozambique through Digital Methods in Collaborative Research. Journal of World History, 32 (2):261-280.
Keywords: Mozambique ; slavery ; colonialism

BAQUETE, C. S. D. R. 2020. Jogos, lazer e repúdio: conexões e identidades em Moçambique (1960-1984). Africana studia: revista internacional de estudos africanos, 34:33-47.
Keywords: Mozambique ; Anthropology and Archaeology

BASTO, M.-B. 2020. Ngungunyane en circulations: images et objets d'un roi africain dans la production des savoirs coloniaux portugais du XIXe siècle. Reflexos: Revue pluridisciplinaire du monde lusophone, 5.
Keywords: Mozambique ; Anthropology and Archaeology

KUOPPALA, S. 2021. 'It's actually a bridge for you to cross over into womanhood': Ritual transformation and transportation in the Olufuko Cultural Festival in Northern Namibia. Nordic Journal of African Studies, 30 (2).
Keywords: Namibia ; Anthropology and Archaeology ; Women's Issues

OGBONNA-OLUIKPE, A. 2021. Digitising folktales: Cultural remediation and children's participation. Nordic Journal of African Studies, 30 (2).
Keywords: Nigeria ; Education and Oral Traditions

Northeast Africa
AGOSTI, G. & BAUSI, A. 2020. New Evidence of King MHDYS? Aethiopica: International Journal of Ethiopian and Eritrean Studies, 22:201-212.
Keywords: Ethiopia ; Egypt ; History and Exploration

Northern Africa
BARROS, M. F. & TAVIM, J. A. 2021. Mobilities and Communities between North Africa and Portugal: Muslims and Jews in the Medieval and Early Modern Ages. Ler História, 78:17-38.
Keywords: Northern Africa ; Portugal ; History and Exploration ; Religion and Witchcraft

Northern Africa
BERNARD-MAUGIRON, N. 2021. L'autonomisation économique des femmes dans la région Moyen-Orient et Afrique du Nord. L'impact des cadres juridiques algérien, égyptien, jordanien, libyen, marocain et tunisien. Cahiers d'études africaines, 242:447-452.
Keywords: Algeria ; Egypt ; Libya ; Morocco ; Tunisia ; Women's Issues ; Economics and Trade ; Law, Human Rights and Violence

Northern Africa
CALIGIURI, V. & SABATINI, G. 2021. From Political Independence to Economic Dependence. The Different Trajectories of Stabilisation and Adjustment in Morocco and Tunisia During the 1980s. Journal of European Economic History, 50 (1):235-314.
Keywords: Morocco ; Tunisia ; Economics and Trade;1.239&ev=1

Northern Africa
CASSIDY-WELCH, M. 2021. Wild lands and the southern sun: claims to north Africa during the thirteenth-century crusades. Journal of Medieval History, 47 (3):381-393.
Keywords: Northern Africa ; History and Exploration

Northern Africa
DE LUCA, T. R. 2021. Eurafrica. Vital Space, Demographic Planning and the Division of Labour in the Italian Empire The Legacy of Fascist Autarky. Journal of European Economic History, 50 (1):79-34.
Keywords: Northern Africa ; Politics and Government;1.17&ev=1

Northern Africa
HOFFMAN, K. E. 2021. Anthropology in the Archives: History in Gendered Testimony and Text. Hesperis Tamuda, 56 (1):35-58.
Keywords: Northern Africa ; Anthropology and Archaeology ; Women's Issues ; archives

Northern Africa
KRAUSE, J. 2021. Islam and Anti-Colonial Rebellions in North and West Africa, 1914-1918. The Historical Journal, 64 (3):674-695.
Keywords: Northern Africa ; West Africa ; Law, Human Rights and Violence ; Religion and Witchcraft

Northern Africa
BONDAZ, J. 2020. Les randonnées d'Henri Lhote. Ethnologie, exploration et tourisme saharien (années 1920-1950). Journal des africanistes, 90 (2):152-174.
Keywords: Northern Africa ; Anthropology and Archaeology

Portuguese-speaking Africa
PEREIRA, H. S. 2021. Uma ideia de Império no final da Monarquia Constitucional: as fotos da viagem de D. Luís Filipe às colónias em 1907. Revista de História das Ideias, 39:245-274.
Keywords: São Tomé and Principe ; Angola ; Mozambique ; Cape Verde ; photography

Portuguese-speaking Africa
RUSSO, M. 2021. Antonio Albergati, coletor em Portugal (1622-1624): uma presença contra a escravidão. Documentos inéditos em bibliotecas romanas. RiMe. Rivista dell'Istituto di Storia dell'Europa Mediterranea, 8 (3):145-162.
Keywords: Angola ; Cape Verde ; History and Exploration ; slavery

FAGEOL, P.-É. 2021. Adrien Berget et la question de l'adaptation des contenus d'enseignement en histoire à La Réunion sous la Troisième République. Outre-mers: revue d'histoire, 410-411:185-204.
Keywords: Réunion ; Education and Oral Traditions

PINTO, T. N. 2021. Ruanda e França: História, memória e futuro. Brotéria, 192 (4):327-333.
Keywords: Rwanda ; Law, Human Rights and Violence

São Tomé and Principe
SOUZA, A. D. C. 2021. A importância do café para São Tomé e Príncipe frente à proibição do comércio de escravizados pela Inglaterra. Afro-Ásia, 63:40-67.
Keywords: São Tomé and Principe ; Economics and Trade ; slavery

São Tomé and Principe
BIALOBORSKA, M. 2020. Panorama musical numa roça no sul de São Tomé: Ribeira Peixe antes e depois da independência. Africana studia: revista internacional de estudos africanos, 34:131-149.
Keywords: São Tomé and Principe ; music

N'DIAYE, M. 2021. La lutte pour la légalisation de l'avortement au Sénégal. Redéfinition des discours et pratiques militantes. Cahiers d'études africaines, 242:307-329.
Keywords: Senegal ; Health and Nutrition ; abortion ; legislation ; women's rights

JOLLY, L. 2021. Race, nationalité et travail maritime en Côte française des Somalis (1896-1952). Outre-mers: revue d'histoire, 410-411:205-228.
Keywords: Somalia ; Ethnic and Race Relations ; Labor and Employment

South Africa
ABBOTT, M. & BAMFORTH, J. 2021. Government procurement policy and the establishment of manufacturing: Aircraft industry in Australia, Canada and South Africa 1918-39. Journal of Transport History, 42 (1):81-100.
Keywords: South Africa ; Development and Technology

South Africa
BHEBHE, S. & NGOEPE, M. 2021. Elitism in critical emancipatory paradigm: national archival oral history collection in Zimbabwe and South Africa. Archival Science, 21:155-172.
Keywords: South Africa ; Zimbabwe ; Education and Oral Traditions ; History and Exploration ; archives

South Africa
BRUIN, K. D. 2021. From Viticulture to Commemoration: French Huguenot Memory in the Cape Colony (1688-1824). Journal of the Western Society for French History, 47.
Keywords: South Africa ; Agriculture, Natural Resources and the Environment ; History and Exploration

South Africa
QUINTON, L. 2021. Britain's Royal Ballet in Apartheid South Africa, 1960. The Historical Journal, 64 (3):750-773.
Keywords: South Africa ; Ethnic and Race Relations ; colonialism ; dance

Subsaharan Africa
BRAVO LOZANO, C. & QUIRÓS ROSADO, R. 2021. Evangelizzare nella tempesta. Fra' Bonaventura d'Alessano, la 'Restauração' in Portogallo e le origini della Missione del Congo. RiMe. Rivista dell'Istituto di Storia dell'Europa Mediterranea, 8 (3):163-183.
Keywords: Congo (Democratic Republic of) ; Angola ; Religion and Witchcraft

Subsaharan Africa
FRANCISCO, J. M. 2021. Política e religião no reino do Congo (séculos XV - XVI): dom Afonso I o rei 'convertido'. Temporalidades - Revista Discente do Programa de Pós-Graduação em História da UFMG, 13:316-335.
Keywords: Angola ; Congo (Democratic Republic of) ; Religion and Witchcraft

FARGHER, J. A. 2021. British Interventionism in the Red Sea Eastern Sudan and Britain's Global Defence Strategy. War in History, 28 (2):283-300.
Keywords: Sudan ; Military, Defense and Arms ; History and Exploration

TØNNESSEN, L. & AL-NAGAR, S. 2021. Legal Mobilization to Protect Women against Rape in Islamist Sudan. Cahiers d'études africaines, 242:355-376.
Keywords: Sudan ; Law, Human Rights and Violence ; Women's Issues

BACHMANN, K. & KEMP, G. 2021. Was Quashing the Maji-Maji Uprising Genocide? An Evaluation of Germany's Conduct through the Lens of International Criminal Law. Holocaust and Genocide Studies, 35 (2):235-249.
Keywords: Tanzania ; Law, Human Rights and Violence

CHACHIA, H. E. & BASKINS, C. 2021. Ten Hafsid Letters (1535-1536) from the General Archive of Simancas (Spain). Respecting the Politic Situation in Tunisia after the 1535 Defeat of the Ottoman and the Restoration of Hafsid Rule. Hesperis Tamuda, 56 (1):427-438.
Keywords: Tunisia ; History and Exploration

FAURI, F. 2021. Shifting Tides: 120 Years of Migratory Flows between Italy and Tunisia. Journal of European Economic History, 50 (1):39-81.
Keywords: Tunisia ; Urbanization and Migration ; migration;1.73&ev=1

JEMIA, M. B. & OUNISSI, S. 2021. Droits des femmes et féminisme dans la Tunisie post-2011. Entretien croisé entre Monia Ben Jemia et Saida Ounissi. Cahiers d'études africaines, 242:453-476.
Keywords: Tunisia ; Women's Issues ; women's rights ; feminism

OUALDI, M. H. 2021. Commémorer l'abolition de l'esclavage en Tunisie. Les droits des citoyens noirs et l'histoire des esclaves d'origines européennes. Esclavages & Post-esclavages, 4.
Keywords: Tunisia ; slavery

PEPICELLI, R. 2021. 'People Want a Clean Environment': Historical Roots of the Environmental Crisis and the Emergence of Eco-Resistances in Tunisia. Studi Magrebini, 19 (1):37-62.
Keywords: Tunisia ; Agriculture, Natural Resources and the Environment

SIMONCINI, G. 2021. Beyond the 'Epopee of Ben Guerdane': Exploring the Plurality of Resistance at the South-Eastern Tunisian Border. Studi Magrebini, 19 (1):88-109.
Keywords: Tunisia ; Military, Defense and Arms

VOORHOEVE, M. 2021. The Tunisian Law on Violence against Women: Advocacy and Reform. Cahiers d'études africaines, 242:377-394.
Keywords: Tunisia ; Women's Issues ; Law, Human Rights and Violence

West Africa
PELCKMANS, L. 2021. 'Récits cinétiques': le déplacement comme récit de contestation des wahayu, concubines de statut servile dans les régions frontalières du Niger et du Nigeria. Esclavages & Post-esclavages, 4.
Keywords: Niger ; Nigeria ; slavery ; Women's Issues

West Africa
RODRIGO Y ALHARILLA, M. 2021. Les factoreries négrières espagnoles des côtes africaines (1815-1860). Outre-mers: revue d'histoire, 410-411:143-168.
Keywords: West Africa ; slavery