New acquisitions - week 1 2017

Margaret Bourke-White and the dawn of apartheidWeek 1 2017


Articles | Electronic documents | Books | Journals | Films | African Literature | Sound | Abstracts and downloads


Narcissus and other pall-bearers : morbidity as ideology / Wole Soyinka. -
In: African Studies Bulletin / Leeds University Centre for African Studies : (2016), no. 77, p. 65-83
ASC Subject Headings: Africa ; essays (form) ; ideologies ; religion ; violence ; world view bearers-morbidity-as-ideology-wole-soyinka/

Remedying Africa's self-propelled corruption : the missing link / Hirondina T. C. Mondlane, Fernanda Claudio, and M. Adil Khan. - (Abstract available)
In: Politikon : (2016), vol. 43, no. 3, p. 345-370 : ill., graf., tab
ASC Subject Headings: Africa ; corruption ; governance ; responsibility (Restricted access)

English-speaking Africa
What are the drivers of fiscal performance gaps between Anglophone and Francophone Africa? A Blinder-Oaxaca decomposition / Babacar Sarr. -
In: South African Journal of Economics : (2016), vol. 84, no. 1, p. 40-62 : graf., tab
ASC Subject Headings: economic models ; English-speaking Africa ; French-speaking Africa ; national budget ; public debt ; public finance (Restricted access)

The Ghanaian voter and the 2008 General Election / Emmanuel Debrah. - (Abstract available)
In: Politikon : (2016), vol. 43, no. 3, p. 371-387
ASC Subject Headings: 2008 ; elections ; ethnicity ; Ghana ; voting (Restricted access)

Political stability and peace through party engineering : the case of Lesotho / Martin Goeke. - (Abstract available)
In: Politikon : (2016), vol. 43, no. 3, p. 293-309
ASC Subject Headings: electoral systems ; Lesotho ; political parties ; political stability (Restricted access)

Current account deficit in Mauritius : risks and prospects / Ahmad Jameel Khadaroo. -
In: South African Journal of Economics : (2016), vol. 84, no. 1, p. 109-128
ASC Subject Headings: economic models ; gross national product ; Mauritius ; national accounts (Restricted access)

The political economy of public expenditures in agriculture : applications of concepts to Mozambique / Tewodaj Mogues and Domingos do Rosario. -
In: South African Journal of Economics : (2016), vol. 84, no. 1, p. 20-39 : ill., graf., tab
ASC Subject Headings: agriculture ; Mozambique ; public expenditure ; public investments (Restricted access)

South Africa
From the RDP to the NDP : a critical appraisal of the developmental state, land reform, and rural development in South Africa / Abdulrazak Karriem and Mark Hoskins. - (Abstract available)
In: Politikon : (2016), vol. 43, no. 3, p. 325-343
ASC Subject Headings: development planning ; land reform ; rural development ; South Africa ; State (Restricted access)

South Africa
Self-help governance and state dysfunction : exploratory perspectives on the South African state and civil society / Wynand Greffrath and Gerrit van der Waldt . - (Abstract available)
In: Politikon : (2016), vol. 43, no. 3, p. 389-409
ASC Subject Headings: central-local government relations ; local government ; public services ; South Africa ; State collapse (Restricted access)

South Africa
South Africa's reform diplomacy and the legitimacy of the UN Security Council / Charalampos Efstathopoulos. - (Abstract available)
In: Politikon : (2016), vol. 43, no. 3, p. 429-450
ASC Subject Headings: foreign policy ; international relations ; South Africa ; UN Security Council (Restricted access)

South Africa
The 'born-free' non-voting youth : a study of voter apathy among a selected cohort of South African youth / Toks Oyedemi and Desline Mahlatji. - (Abstract available)
In: Politikon : (2016), vol. 43, no. 3, p. 311-323
ASC Subject Headings: 2014 ; elections ; South Africa ; voting ; youth (Restricted access)

South Africa
The effect of land restitution on poverty reduction among the Khomani San 'bushmen' in South Africa / Johane Dikgang and Edwin Muchapondwa. -
In: South African Journal of Economics : (2016), vol. 84, no. 1, p. 63-80 : tab
ASC Subject Headings: land reform ; poverty reduction ; San ; South Africa (Restricted access)

South Africa
The political economy of middle-income traps : is South Africa in a long-run growth trap? : the path to 'bounded populism' / John M. Luiz. -
In: South African Journal of Economics : (2016), vol. 84, no. 1, p. 3-19
ASC Subject Headings: economic development ; economic policy ; South Africa (Restricted access)

South Africa
Cape of storms : surveying and rethinking popular resistance in the eighteenth-century Cape colony / Nicole Ulrich. -
In: New Contree : (2015), no. 73, p. 16-39
ASC Subject Headings: military personnel ; protest ; rebellions ; resistance ; seamen ; slaves ; South Africa ; The Cape
hmtl =A

South Africa
Dutch contexts of Cape burgher protests / Teun Baartman. -
In: New Contree : (2015), no. 73, p. 40-60
ASC Subject Headings: 1700-1799 ; bourgeoisie ; Dutch ; identity ; middle class ; South Africa ; The Cape ; trading companies

South Africa
Fashion and the world of the women of the VOC official elite / Lisa-Mari Coetzee. -
In: New Contree : (2015), no. 73, p. 61-87 : ill
ASC Subject Headings: 1700-1799 ; clothing ; elite ; social status ; South Africa ; The Cape ; women

South Africa
Government schooling and teacher identity : the exertions of the first-class teacher at Worcester, Cape of Good Hope, c. 1856-1873 / Helen Ludlow. -
In: New Contree : (2015), no. 73, p. 106-135 : ill
ASC Subject Headings: 1800-1899 ; education ; identity ; South Africa ; teachers ; The Cape

South Africa
Locating home where discourses of gender and empire intersect : an analysis of selected excerpts from Lady Anne Barnard's Cape diaries and journals / Jessica Murray. -
In: New Contree : (2015), no. 73, p. 88-105
ASC Subject Headings: 1700-1799 ; British ; diaries (form) ; gender ; identity ; South Africa ; The Cape

South Africa
Loyalism in the Cape colony : exploring the Khoesan subejct-citizin space, c. 1828-1834 / Jared McDonald. -
In: New Contree : (2015), no. 73, p. 136-161
ASC Subject Headings: 1800-1899 ; citizenship ; identity ; Khoikhoi ; San ; South Africa ; State-society relationship ; The Cape

South Africa
Tavern of two oceans : alcohol, taxes and leases in the seventeenth-century Dutch world / Gerard Groenewald. -
In: New Contree : (2015), no. 73, p. 1-15
ASC Subject Headings: 1600-1699 ; alcoholic beverages ; mercantile history ; retail trade ; South Africa ; The Cape

South Africa
The forgotten Effendi : Ottoman muslim theologian, Mahmud Fakih Emin Effendi, and the real story of the Bo-Kaap Museum, c. 1894-1978 / / Halim Gençolu. -
In: New Contree : (2015), no. 73, p. 162-180 : ill
ASC Subject Headings: Islamic education ; Islamic history ; museums ; schools ; South Africa ; ulema

West Africa
A diagnostic on the West African Monetary Union / Chee-Heong Quah. -
In: South African Journal of Economics : (2016), vol. 84, no. 1, p. 1129-148
ASC Subject Headings: monetary areas ; Union Economique et Monétaire Ouest-Africaine ; West Africa (Restricted access)

Electronic documents

África : expresiones de lo sobrenatural : cátalogo de la colección Roldán-Palau / Lluc Ohian Mas Arregui. - Vic : CEIBA, 2016
ASC Subject Headings: Africa ; exhibition catalogues (form) ; sculpture ; visual arts (Restricted access)

Print activism in twenty-first century Africa / guest ed. by Ruth Bush and Madhu Krishnan . - (Abstract available) - Oxford : Routledge, 2016
ASC Subject Headings: Africa ; interviews (form) ; literature ; poetry (form) ; publishing (Restricted access)

Grey-scales : negotiating the civil state in post-revolutionary Egypt / by Sarah Wessel. - (Abstract available) - Bonn : Center for Applied Research in Partnership with the Orient (CARPO), 2016
ASC Subject Headings: Egypt ; State-society relationship

Subsaharan Africa
Claiming agency : reflecting on TrustAfricas first decade / ed. by Halima Mahomed, Elizabeth Coleman. - (Abstract available) - Dakar : TrustAfrica, 2016
ASC Subject Headings: development ; development projects ; financial aid ; international cooperation ; loans ; Subsaharan Africa

A state of disunity: conflict dynamics in unity state, South Sudan, 201315 / by Joshua Craze and Jérôme Tubiana with Claudio Gramizzi. - Geneva : Small Arms Survey, 2016
ASC Subject Headings: armed forces ; civil wars ; South Sudan ; Sudan ; violence

Popular struggles and elite co-optation: the Nuer White Army in South Sudans Civil War / by John Young. - Geneva : Small Arms Survey, 2016
ASC Subject Headings: armed forces ; civil wars ; Nuer ; South Sudan ; Sudan ; violence

A fractious rebellion inside the SPLM-IO / by John Young. - Geneva : Small Arms Survey, 2015
ASC Subject Headings: civil wars ; national liberation movements ; South Sudan ; Sudan

Development deferred Eastern Sudan after the ESPA / by the Small Arms Survey. - Geneva : Small Arms Survey, 2015
ASC Subject Headings: armed forces ; arms trade ; illicit trade ; South Sudan ; Sudan

Fields of control: oil and (in)security in Sudan and South Sudan / by Laura M. James. - Geneva : Small Arms Survey, 2015
ASC Subject Headings: China ; civil wars ; petroleum industry ; South Sudan ; Sudan

Two fronts, one war evolution of the two areas conflict, 201415 / by Benedetta De Alessi. - Geneva : Small Arms Survey, 2015
ASC Subject Headings: armed forces ; civil wars ; South Sudan ; Sudan ; violence

Under attack and above scrutiny? : arms and ammunition diversion from peacekeepers in Sudan and South Sudan, 200214 / by Eric G. Berman, Mihaela Racovita . - Geneva : Small Arms Survey, 2015
ASC Subject Headings: armed forces ; arms trade ; illicit trade ; South Sudan ; Sudan

Success stories : a highlight of best case practices registered in 2013/2014 by Civil Society Organisations supported by the Foundation for Civil Society (FCS) / chief editor, Vincent Nalwendela. - Dar es Salaam : The Foundation for Civil Society (FCS), 2015
ASC Subject Headings: development projects ; Tanzania

The Youth to Youth Fund (Y2YF) best case practices : an excerpt of success stories registered by civil society organisations in Tanzania that implemented the Y2YF projects / Foundation for Civil Society. - Dar es Salaam : Foundation for Civil Society, 2015
ASC Subject Headings: development projects ; Tanzania ; youth employment ; youth organizations

Access to justice for the poor, marginalised and vulnerable people of Uganda : a research report / Legal Aid Service Providers Network (LASPNET). - Kampala : Legal Aid Service Providers Network (LASPNET), 2015
ASC Subject Headings: access to justice ; Uganda

Interpretive guide to the prevention and prohibition of Torture Act,. - Kampala : Uganda Human Rights Commission Head Office, 2015
ASC Subject Headings: legislation ; torture ; Uganda

Opportunities and challenges of the Ugandan business environment : a situational analysis / edited by Joseph M. Ntayi, PhD, Sunday A. Khan ; foreword by Frank B. Sebbowa . - Kampala : Fountain Publishers, 2015
ASC Subject Headings: business promotion ; economic conditions ; Uganda

Analysis of Uganda's national trade policy and how it links trade, climate change and food security / SEATINI. - [Kampala] : Southern and Eastern Africa Trade Information and Negotiations Institute (SEATINI) Uganda, 2014
ASC Subject Headings: trade policy ; Uganda

Double taxation treaties in Uganda : impact and policy implications / SEATINI-Uganda, ACTIONAID-Uganda. - [Uganda] : Seatini, 2014
ASC Subject Headings: African agreements ; taxation ; Uganda

Situation analysis of child poverty and deprivation in Uganda / Uganda , Ministry of Gender, Labour, and Social Development, Economic Policy Research Centre, UNICEF. - Uganda : Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development, UNICEF, Economic Policy Research Centre, 2014
ASC Subject Headings: child care ; children ; poverty ; social conditions ; Uganda

The status of social security systems in Uganda : challenges and opportunities / Paul Bukuluki, John-Bosco Mubiru. - Kampala : Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, 2014
ASC Subject Headings: social security ; Uganda

Compendium of concepts and definitions on gender statistics / Uganda Bureau of Statistics . - Kampala : Uganda Bureau of Statistics, 2013
ASC Subject Headings: demography ; gender ; statistics ; Uganda

Free movement of workers in the East African Community: implications for youth employment in Uganda / SEATINI-Uganda. - [Kampala] : SEATINI-Uganda, 2013
ASC Subject Headings: East African Community ; Uganda ; youth employment

Uganda facts and figures on gender 2013 / Uganda Bureau of Statistics. - Kampala : Uganda Bureau of Statistics, 2013
ASC Subject Headings: gender ; statistics ; Uganda

Agricultural sector : gender statistics profile / Uganda Bureau of Statistics ; UN Joint Programme on Gender Equality & Women's Empowerment. - Kampala : Uganda Bureau of Statistics, 2012
ASC Subject Headings: agricultural workers ; gender ; statistics ; Uganda

Reality check : political party financing in Uganda : a critical analysis in reference to other countries / Paul K. Ssemogerere. - Kampala : Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, 2011
ASC Subject Headings: election campaigns ; financing ; multiparty systems ; political parties ; Uganda

West Africa
University research governance & national innovation systems in West and Central Africa / edited by G.T.G. Mohamedbhai, Godfred Frempong, Adeline Addy. - Accra : Association of African Universities, 2014
ASC Subject Headings: development projects ; government policy ; research centres ; universities ; West Africa


Africanism / Olusegun Okedairo. - [Nigeria] : Kofo-David Graphics, 2006
ASC Subject Headings: Africa ; African culture ; African identity ; African religions ; colonialism ; culture contact ; decolonization

Les Moundang du Cameroun et du Tchad : onomastique et histoire (XVIIIe-XXe siècle) / Alain Désiré Taino Kari ; préface de Clément Dili Palai ; postface de Pierre Hélé. - Paris : L'Harmattan, 2015
ASC Subject Headings: Cameroon ; Chad ; culture ; ethnological names ; history ; Mundang ; personal names ; place names

The Oromo and the Christian Kingdom of Ethiopia : 1300-1700 / Mohammed Hassen. - Woodbridge, Suffolk : James Currey, 2015
ASC Subject Headings: Christianity ; Ethiopia ; history ; Oromo

The 2007 population and housing census of Ethiopia / Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Population Census Commission, Central Statistical Agency, Addis Ababa. - Addis Ababa : Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Population Census Commission, Central Statistical Agency, 2010
ASC Subject Headings: 2007 ; censuses ; Ethiopia ; housing ; population composition ; statistics

The 2007 population and housing census of Ethiopia / Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Population Census Commission, Central Statistical Agency, Addis Ababa. - Addis Ababa : Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Population Census Commission, Central Statistical Agency, 2010
ASC Subject Headings: 2007 ; censuses ; Ethiopia ; housing ; population composition ; statistics

The 2007 population and housing census of Ethiopia / Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Population Census Commission, Central Statistical Agency, Addis Ababa. - Addis Ababa : Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Population Census Commission, Central Statistical Agency, 2010
ASC Subject Headings: 2007 ; censuses ; Ethiopia ; housing ; population composition ; statistics

The 2007 population and housing census of Ethiopia / Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Population Census Commission, Central Statistical Agency, Addis Ababa. - Addis Ababa : Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Population Census Commission, Central Statistical Agency, 2010
ASC Subject Headings: 2007 ; censuses ; Ethiopia ; housing ; population composition ; statistics

The 2007 population and housing census of Ethiopia / Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Population Census Commission, Central Statistical Agency, Addis Ababa. - Addis Ababa : Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Population Census Commission, Central Statistical Agency, 2010
ASC Subject Headings: 2007 ; censuses ; Ethiopia ; housing ; population composition ; statistics

The 2007 population and housing census of Ethiopia / Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Population Census Commission, Central Statistical Agency, Addis Ababa. - Addis Ababa : Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Population Census Commission, Central Statistical Agency, 2010
ASC Subject Headings: 2007 ; censuses ; economic conditions ; education ; Ethiopia ; housing ; population composition ; statistics

The 2007 population and housing census of Ethiopia / Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Population Census Commission, Central Statistical Agency, Addis Ababa. - Addis Ababa : Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Population Census Commission, Central Statistical Agency, 2010
ASC Subject Headings: 2007 ; censuses ; Ethiopia ; housing ; population composition ; statistics

French-speaking Africa
Médias et littérature : formes, pratiques et postures / sous la dir. de Philip Amangoua Atcha, Roger Tro Deho et Adama Coulibaly . - Paris : L'Harmattan, 2014
ASC Subject Headings: French-speaking Africa ; literary criticism ; mass media ; novels

The Ghana reader : history, culture, politics / Kwasi Konadu and Clifford C. Campbell, eds . - (Abstract available) - Durham [etc.] : Duke University Press, 2016
ASC Subject Headings: anthologies (form) ; culture ; Ghana ; history ; politics

Lexique (Fulfulde-Français). - Bamako : DNAFLA, Ministère de l'Éducation Nationale, République du Mali, 1993
ASC Subject Headings: dictionaries (form) ; French language ; Fulfulde language ; Mali

Umarian Karta (Mali, West Africa) during the late nineteenth century : dissent and revolt among the Futanke after Umar Tal's holy war / by John Henry Hanson. - Ann Arbor, MI: Disseration Servives, 1989
ASC Subject Headings: 1800-1899 ; history ; jihads ; Mali ; migration ; Toucouleur

Literature, history and identity in Northern Nigeria / edited by Ismaila A. Tsiga, M.O. Bhadmus. - (Abstract available) - Ibadan : Safari Books Ltd, 2015
ASC Subject Headings: 2012 ; conference papers (form) ; films ; literature ; Nigeria

Oil wealth and insurgency in Nigeria / Omolade Adunbi. - Bloomington, IN [etc.] : Indiana University Press, 2015
ASC Subject Headings: landownership ; militias ; natural resource management ; Niger Delta conflict ; Nigeria ; petroleum industry ; State-society relationship

An introduction to Islamic family law / Aminu Muhammad Gurin. - Lagos : Malthouse Press, 2014
ASC Subject Headings: family ; family law ; Islamic law ; marriage ; Nigeria ; textbooks (form)

Educating Muslim women : the West African legacy of Nana Asma'u (1793-1864) / Jean Boyd and Beverly Mack. - Oxford : Interface Publications Ltd, 2013
ASC Subject Headings: biographies (form) ; Fulani ; Islam ; Nigeria ; ulema ; women

Out of the shadows : exile and the struggle for freedom & democracy in Nigeria / by Kayode Fayemi. - Ibadan : Amandla Consulting, 2011
ASC Subject Headings: 1900-1999 ; exile ; Nigeria ; personal narratives (form) ; political action ; political conditions ; refugees

Themes in the history of the Ijebu and Remo of Western Nigeria / ed. by O.O. Olubomehin. - Ibadan : Bamon Publishing Company, 2010
ASC Subject Headings: biographies (form) ; crime prevention ; culture ; history ; Nigeria ; Yoruba

Gulf War (Operation Desert Storm) : Nigerian perspective / ed. by Olufemi Patrick Adelusi. - Abeokuta : Kommuni-8 Press, 2008
ASC Subject Headings: foreign policy ; Gulf War ; Nigeria ; public opinion ; United States

Resource control : legal right of Niger Delta region of Nigeria? / Robert Isaac Ewa Odu. - Lagos : University of Lagos Press, 2008
ASC Subject Headings: central-local government relations ; natural resources ; Niger Delta conflict ; Nigeria ; social and economic rights

Language and discourse in society / edited by 'Lekan Oyeleye. - Ibadan : Hope Publications, 2004
ASC Subject Headings: Blacks ; communication ; education ; English language ; literature ; Nigeria ; sociolinguistics

Penal code & Sharia penal code / [Olakanmi Olajide]. - Abuja [etc.] : Law Lords Publications, 2004
ASC Subject Headings: criminal law ; Islamic law ; laws (form) ; Nigeria

Plateau resolves : report of the Plateau Peace Conference 2004 (18th August - 21st September, 2004). - [Nigeria] : Government Printer, Jos, 2004
ASC Subject Headings: 2004 ; conference papers (form) ; conflict resolution ; ethnic relations ; interreligious relations ; Nigeria

Eaux et sociétés face au changement climatique dans le bassin de la Casamance : actes de l'atelier scientifique et du lancement de l'initiative "Casamance, un réseau scientifique au service du développement en Casamance" du 15-17 juin 2015 à l'hôtel Kadiandoumagne de Ziguinchor, Sénégal / Luc Descroix, Saliou Djiba, Tidiane Sané, Vieri Tarchiani (eds). - Paris : L'Harmattan, 2015
ASC Subject Headings: climate change ; conference papers (form) ; fisheries ; hydrology ; rice ; rural development ; Senegal

Manuels scolaires, environnement informatif et numérique au service de la lecture : enjeux nouveaux pour une école émergente / Birahim Thioune ; préf. de Michèle Verdelhan Bourgade. - Paris : L'Harmattan, 2015
ASC Subject Headings: academic education ; educational systems ; Guinea ; information technology ; Mali ; reading ; Senegal ; textbooks

South Africa
Margaret Bourke-White and the dawn of apartheid / Alex Lichtenstein & Rick Halpern. - Bloomington, IN : Indiana University Press, 2016
ASC Subject Headings: Afrikaners ; apartheid ; miners ; photography ; pictorial works (form) ; rural areas ; South Africa ; townships

South Africa
Ubunti, migration and ministry : being human in a Johannesburg Church / by Elina Hankela. - Leiden : Brill, 2014
ASC Subject Headings: Christianity ; communities ; ethics ; philosophy ; refugees ; South Africa

South Africa
Durban : a pictorial history : a photographic record of the changing face of the city of Durban, with emphasis on its buildings / Ian Morrison. - Cape Town : Struik Publishers, 1987
ASC Subject Headings: buildings ; pictorial works (form) ; South Africa ; towns

Subsaharan Africa
Le missioni in Africa : la sfida dell'inculturazione : 37a Settimana di storia religiosa euro-mediterranea promossa dalla Fondazione ambrosiana Paolo VI e dall'Istituto superiore di studi religiosi : 2-5 settembre 2015, Villa Cagnola - Gazzada (Varese) / a cura di François Bspflug - Emanuela Fogliadini. - Bologna : Emi, 2016
ASC Subject Headings: 2015 ; conference papers (form) ; Islam ; Islamic law ; missions ; religious art ; Subsaharan Africa

Subsaharan Africa
Reading the contemporary : African art from theory to the marketplace / edited by Olu Oguibe and Okwui Enwezor. - London [etc.] : Institute of International Visual Arts (inIVA) [etc.], 1999
ASC Subject Headings: art history ; cinema ; Subsaharan Africa ; visual arts

African Literature

Who is afraid of Mongo wa Swolenka : a one act play / Tennu Mbuh. - Mankon : Langaa Research & Publishing CIG, 2016
ASC Subject Headings: Cameroon ; drama (form)

When the wanderers come home / Patricia Jabbeh Wesley. - Lincoln : University of Nebraska Press, 2016
ASC Subject Headings: Liberia ; poetry (form)

Deeper into the night / Dul Johnson. - Zaria : Ahmadu Bello University Press Limited, 2014
ASC Subject Headings: Nigeria ; novels (form) ; power ; social life

Dim Noo abroad / C.M. Okonkwo. - [S.l.] : Laybels Publishing, 2014
ASC Subject Headings: fraud ; marriage ; Nigeria ; novels (form)

Lettars from an imbecile / Aaron-Bakporhe Ufuoma. - Ibadan : Omojojolo Books, 2014
ASC Subject Headings: mental health ; Nigeria ; novels (form)

Bonfires of the gods : a novel / Andrew Eseimokumo Oki. - Owerri, Imo State : Griots Lounge, 2012
ASC Subject Headings: ethnic warfare ; Ijo ; Isekiri ; Nigeria ; novels (form)

Sin is a puppy that follows you home = Alhaki kuykuyo ne / by Balaraba Ramat Yakubu ; translated from the Hausa by Aliyu Kamal. - Chennai : Published by Blaft Publications in association with Tranquebar Press, 2012
ASC Subject Headings: Hausa ; Nigeria ; novels (form)

Memories and visions : a screen play / by Chinyelu Florence Ojukwu. - Port Harcourt : University of Port Harcourt Press, 2008
ASC Subject Headings: drama (form) ; Nigeria

The triumph of the water lily / Stella Ify Osammor. - Manchester : Delta Maria Pub. House, 2003
ASC Subject Headings: Nigeria ; novels (form)

Sierra Leone
Along the Odokoko river / Ahmed Koroma. - [Freetown] : Sierra Leonean Writers Series, 2016
ASC Subject Headings: poetry (form) ; Sierra Leone

Sierra Leone
Layila... Kakatua wan bi Lida / Coolie Forde. - Freetown : Sierra Leonean Writers Series, 2011
ASC Subject Headings: drama (form) ; Sierra Leone

South Africa
Koors : die memoires van Nicolaas Storm, oor die ondersoek na die moord op sy pa / Deon Meyer. - Kaapstad : Human & Rousseau, 2016
ASC Subject Headings: crime novels (form) ; South Africa

South Africa
Judaskus / Rudie van Rensburg. - Kaapstad : Queillerie, 2015
ASC Subject Headings: crime novels (form) ; homicide ; South Africa

South Africa
Matric rage : poems / by Genna Gardini. - Cape Town : Uhlanga, 2015
ASC Subject Headings: poetry (form) ; South Africa

South Africa
Time and memory / Adèle Naudé. - Cape Town : Maskew Miller, 1974
ASC Subject Headings: poetry (form) ; South Africa

South Africa
Gedigte / E.A. Schlengemann. - Kaapstad : Nasionale Pers, 1934
ASC Subject Headings: poetry (form) ; South Africa


[Portrait de] Emile Derlin Zinsou / par Alain Foka. - [Paris] : Radio France Internationale, 2016
ASC Subject Headings: Benin ; biographies (form) ; heads of State ; politicians ; radio broadcasts (form)
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[Portrait de] Sourou Migan Apithy / par Alain Foka. - [Paris] : Radio France Internationale, 2016
ASC Subject Headings: Benin ; biographies (form) ; heads of State ; politicians ; radio broadcasts (form)
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[Portrait de] Charles Taylor / par Alain Foka. - [Paris] : Radio France Internationale, 2016
ASC Subject Headings: biographies (form) ; civil wars ; heads of State ; Liberia ; politicians ; radio broadcasts (form) ; Sierra Leone
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[Portrait de] Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu / par Alain Foka. - [Paris] : Radio France Internationale, 2016
ASC Subject Headings: Biafran conflict ; biographies (form) ; Nigeria ; politicians ; radio broadcasts (form)
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Abstracts and downloads