Prince Charles Dickson

Prince Charles Dickson is an alumnus of the University of Jos and the prestigious Humanitarian Academy at Harvard and the University of Texas. He holds a doctorate in Psychology (Policy & Human Development) from the Jesuit-run Georgetown University, Washington DC. He possesses three Masters, amongst which is an MA in Islamic Studies. He has certification in religion and global politics, gender, negotiation and conflict management and analysis, interfaith conflict resolution. 

With decades of expertise in media, public policy, psychology and development practice. A certified negotiator and arbitrator. He has membership, and fellowship, across a broad spectrum of professional bodies incorporating his expertise and sits on boards and councils. He is proficient in Yoruba, Ibo and Hausa, English and French. He currently has several ongoing projects and consultations with INGOs, NGOs, CBDs, FBOs, state governments and her agencies. A visiting resource person with several colleges, onstitutes on media and communication and conflict related studies. A syndicated columnist, and he has been reporter, correspondent, and editor, bylining several groundbreaking stories. He is the team lead for the Nigerian locally based Tattaaunawa Roundtable Initiative and local peacebuilding expert for the London based project PeaceDirect

Associate member
The Tattaaunawa Roundtable Initiative
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