Peter Justin

Peter Justin (born in Yei – South Sudan), is a PhD candidate in the ‘Grounding Land Governance’ Programme, a collaborative effort of the Africa Studies Centre Leiden, the Faculty of Development Studies of the University of Science and Technology in Mbarara, Uganda, the Centre for International Conflict Analysis and Management at the Radboud University, Nijmegen, Wageningen Disaster Studies, and a series of other institutes and NGOs.

Within this programme, Peter is responsible for the research project in Southern Sudan. He investigates how land reforms and decentralization on land governance in Southern Sudan is being implemented in a context where the state has been largely absent in the past. His research explores how decentralization develops in the interaction between the emerging land governance by the state and ongoing local land governance processes. The project includes a combination of ethnographic and action researches.

Peter Justin has been involved in a number of action researches in Southern Sudan under the project “Oil and Peace in Sudan”, a collaborative project of IKV Pax Christi, The European Coalition on Sudan and the Sudan Council of Churches. Prior to that, he has been working for different Research Institutions, including Upper Nile University in Sudan.

The programme ‘Grounding Land Governance’ is funded by WOTRO Science for Global Development, a division within NWO, The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research.

Recent publications:
(With M. van Leeuwen), The politics of displacement-related land conflict in Yei River County, South Sudan. In: The Journal of Modern African Studies / Volume 54 / Issue 03 / September 2016, pp 419-442

Contributed to: Considering the state. Perspectives on South Sudan’s subdivision and federalism debate 

Affiliate member
African Studies Centre
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